About Varena Cultural Centre
Varėnos is the largest district in Lithuania, so the district's cultural life is also supported by a large number of employees (about 30 cultural and artistic workers). The Varėna Cultural Centre (VCC) has 16 structural units and a craft centre, with 25 cultural and artistic workers. The Centre has long been characterised by the uniqueness of its events.
In 2008, the renovated premises of the Varėna Cultural Centre opened their doors to visitors. Since moving to modern premises, the Centre's creative activities have intensified. Since then, a lot of attention has been paid to the organisation of quality leisure activities for different groups of society and to meeting the cultural needs of the community.
helps to foster full artistic self-expression;
fosters and encourages the activity and vitality of amateur, folk and art collectives;
collects and records events in the cultural life of Varenna;
seeks to integrate into various republican and international projects;
take care of the activities of the structural territorial units;
takes care of the presentation of the culture of Varėna city and district in Lithuania and abroad;
the screening of films;
provides services of Non-formal education of children and Cultural Passport.
organises exhibitions of amateur art and professional art;
drafting and implementing regional cultural programmes;
preserving, disseminating and transmitting cultural and local traditions from generation to generation;
develop and meet the artistic needs of the members of the community;
fostering, enriching and preserving the cultural identity of the region;
fostering general and ethnic culture;
facilitates access to the values of professional art, literature, music, fine arts, photography and cinema;
Varėnos Cultural Centre is a budgetary institution that:
Varena Cultural Centre services
Varena Cultural Centre:
J. Basanavičiaus g. 2, LT-65174 Varėna
Company code: 188207010
Tel. (8 310) 51 171, (8 310) 52 751
E-mail: kulturos.centras@varena.lt
Bank information:
A/S: LT 977181200002130054
Bank: AB Šiaulių bankas
Varėnos Cultural Centre is not a VAT payer
List of services provided by Varėnos Culture Centre (download).